UK High Education

Learn from the best world leading universities

UK High Education

An innovative learning environment

The UK education system encourages independence, collaboration, and discovery. You’ll work with leading academics, and gain more confidence in your academic and personal development. We are proud of our reputation for providing a high-quality student experience underpinned by inspirational teaching.

World Leading Universities

Learn from the best world-leading universities

Many university professors and lecturers do their own research alongside teaching. By studying in the UK, you are ensuring you are at the forefront of modern discoveries. 

This research will directly impact your degree courses, with new discoveries helping to develop your curriculum. You will be well prepared for your future work in your chosen industry.

Studying in the UK offers a variety of unforgettable experiences. It’s culturally diverse, welcoming and the best place to develop your English language skills.

It's the ideal stepping stone for your future career. The UK’s leading universities consistently rank among the best in the world. Moreover, its research is renowned for being ‘internationally excellent’ (Research Assessment Exercise).

Tailor Your Degree

Tailor your degree to your interests

Some Universities give you the option to design a degree that is tailored to your interests and academic strengths. The University of Leicester provides flexible study options so you can tailor your undergraduate degree to your interests:

  • Study one subject: A Single Honours degree allows you to study a single subject in depth, which is great if you have a specific career direction in mind.
  • Study two subjects: Joint Honours degrees enable you to study two complementary subjects equally, broadening your skill-set. 
  • Tailor your degree: Major/Minor Honours degrees allow you create your own degree. You will study one subject in depth (your major - 75%) and also explore an additional area (your minor - 25%).

Excellent facilities and links to leading businesses

Universities in the UK receive funding to enhance their facilities. The University of Leicester is committed to improving its facilities and campus and has invested over £1 billion in infrastructure to bring students the most cutting-edge facilities. Students in the UK will benefit from state-of-the-art facilities such as great cafes, shops, libraries, interesting clubs, societies and support services.For many subjects, studying in the UK means you can gain practical experience outside of the classroom. The University of Leicester offers many degrees ‘with industry’, allowing you to deepen your understanding of your chosen subject. When it comes to boosting your employability, this opportunity can give you the edge – you can pick up specialist workplace skills, network with potential employers and get insights into your career options.

  • Career preparation

    Career support services and development programmes are available at all universities. The University of Leicester’s Career Development Service is recognised for how well it prepares its students for the world of work - with 95% of students in employment or further study six months after graduation (Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey 2017).

  • Multicultural welcome

    Students from all over the world choose to study in the UK, making it a multicultural educational atmosphere. Leicester is one of the most diverse cities in the UK, with over 25% of full-time, campus-based students coming from outside the EU, from more than 110 different countries. This creates a fantastic buzz that makes international students feel welcome.

  • Fulfilling student life

    University is about more than just academics. Student life is fulfilling, with a balance of academic, social, and cultural activities. Students at Leicester have a high satisfaction rate thanks to the vibrant campus and active Students’ Union. Leicester is the UK's best-value university town based on the cost of student essentials (UniDays 2017).

life in a new country

Top 5 tips for feeling at home overseas

Learning a new language, meeting new people, and settling into life in a new country are all part of the exciting journey you’ll take as an international student.The first few weeks can leave you feeling a bit homesick but don’t worry, many students feel like this. You’ll soon get used to your new routine and enjoy your study abroad experience. Here are some ways to make the transition to life in the UK that a little bit easier:

  1. Find out if any of your classmates are also planning to study abroad in the UK. Being able to keep in touch with someone you know from home can help when you’re feeling homesick
  2. Get involved with clubs, events, and societies – it will help you make friends with people who have the same interests as you
  3. Keep in regular contact with your family and friends back home. If you’re feeling unsettled, it can help to talk to people who know you really well and can offer support
  4. Staying active is a great way to keep fit and healthy, as well as help you to stay positive. It’s also a brilliant way to meet new friends!
  5. Set your expectations and remember that things will be different in another country. It might take you a while to settle into your new routine but take the time to enjoy this new challenge

English language exams

English language practice before you arrive

Once you’ve applied and hold an offer for one of our programmes at a UK Centre you’ll be provided with free access to our online English course. This is designed to prepare you for academic study in the UK and provides valuable practice for your English language exams, such as IELTS. Modules are marked by real university tutors, who provide you with personalised feedback within 48 hours.

practice before you arrive

Information on British exams

How will I be tested?

Depending on your programme and modules, you may be tested through methods including:

  • written work
  • laboratory work
  • tests and examinations
  • portfolio work
  • presentations

Formal examinations typically make up between 50% and 100% of your final mark. The rest of your mark is made up from assessed coursework.

What is the British grading system?

All exams and coursework will be marked using the following grading system:

  • First Class A* 80%
  • First Class A 70-79%
  • Upper Second Class B 60-69%
  • Lower Second Class C 50-59%
  • Third Class D 40-49%
  • Fail E 35-39%
  • Fail U 0-34%

Marks in the middle – around the 50s – are average in the UK, and marks of 70% and over are considered outstanding.

Safe and welcoming

We want your time in the UK to be a safe one and memorable for all the right reasons. While you’ll have constant support from our friendly team to help you feel at home during your studies, there are some basic steps you can take to keep yourself safe at all times.

Making Early Application

We offer advice and counseling to help you choose the right course, at the right university and are then responsible for guiding you through the entire application process, from making an application to accepting an offer of place. We also provide free assistance with practicalities including student accommodation and student visas.

Make an application